Support and contact

In order to help protect your information and money, when you contact us, you will be asked a number of questions about you and your policy with us.

We have recently updated our process, and therefore it may be helpful for you to have a recent statement to hand in order to complete security and enable us to help you.

Accessibility support

If you'd like a large print, Braille or audio CD version of a document, please get in touch with our team.

Bereavement and Power of Attorney

We understand this is a difficult time and we're here to support you.

How to make a complaint

We’re sorry to hear that something hasn’t gone to plan. Find out how to make a complaint.

Estimated processing times

Here you can find estimated processing times for some of our common processes on the Aegon Platform, Aegon Retirement Choices (ARC) and One Retirement.

Read our guides

Not found what you're looking for?

If our guides can't answer your query try our FAQs or get in contact with us.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Personal details

  • How do I update my personal details?

    Please contact us to change any details which are incorrect. Select the Customer services link under the Help and Support tab at the top right of the page to get in touch.

  • How do I change my email address?

    To change your email address firstly Sign in. Then go to Profile, select Security & Notifications, then Change email address to start the process of updating your details.

  • How do I update my name, address or contact details?

    To update your name, address or contact details, please fill in this form. Please remember to include any supporting information required.

    Change of customer details (pdf)

  • Where can I find all my documents once I open/activate my account?

    You'll find these in each of the individual product dashboards. Simply choose the name of one of your product you want to view details on (e.g. Stocks and Shares ISA) and select the Documents tab. From here, you will be able to download the documents connected with your account.

  • What is my customer number for?

    Your customer number is used to verify your identity/account. If you've forgotten your customer number you can view this in the Your details section of your Profile.

  • What do we mean by 'habitually resident in the UK'?

    This means your main permanent residential address has to be within the United Kingdom.

  • How do I add a bank account?

    To add a new bank account in your customer dashboard, select Bank details from your Profile and then Add a bank account to begin the process. 

    Some online transactions will also allow you to add bank account details.

Access and Security

  • Can the same email address be used for multiple accounts?

    The same email can’t be used for more than one customer account. You can have multiple products within a single account if they’re registered to the same name. 

  • Why have I received an account activation email?

    To set up an online account with us, you first of all have to activate your account. If you, or your financial adviser on your behalf, request an online account we’ll send you an email with an account activation code to your registered email address. To complete the activation, you’ll need to follow the steps and enter your activation code.

  • Why haven't I receive an email with my account activation code?

    If you haven't received your account verification email, please check your email junk folder, otherwise please contact us.

    If you don't currently have access and would like to manage your account online, you can request online access to your account. If you have an adviser, you'll need to speak to them first.

    Request an activation code

    You'll receive an email with an activation code and instructions on what to do next within 48 hours.

    For more help, please read our activation guide.

    How do I activate my Aegon Dashboard account (pdf)

  • I’ve forgotten my user name, what do I do?

    Don't worry. Your user name is normally your email address. However, if you're still having problems after keying in your email address, please contact us.

  • How do I get to see the information that Aegon holds about me?

    You have the right to request a copy of the personal information we hold on you.  When you request this information, this is known as making a Subject Access Request (SAR). In most cases, this will be free of charge. In some circumstances, for example, repeated requests for further copies, we may apply an administration fee. To exercise this right, please write to the Data Protection Officer, Aegon, Edinburgh Park, Lochside Crescent, Edinburgh, EH12 9SE or email

    Our email system and the way we deal with data internally is secure. However, we're unable to ensure the security of emails before they reach us so please consider this and do not include any personally sensitive, financial or banking information that has not been appropriately secured. 

    If you have access to our online services, you may be able to log in and complete your action securely.

  • What do you do with my personal information?

    We're committed to protecting and respecting your privacy and information. 

    Take a look at our privacy policy to find out more. 

    This policy explains:

    • Why we need your information
    • What we do with it
    • Who we might share it with
    • How you can exercise your rights.
  • Does using an older version of my browser affect my online experience?

    Yes, this could. We always try to design our websites and online systems to take advantage of all the features that modern web browsers provide. This could also affect your experience when using our website or online systems. We aim to support older versions of browsers but updating to the most up to date version will give you the best experience.

    If you don't use the latest version of your web browser, there is a chance you're missing out on some of the functionality and security features the latest browser has to offer.

Contact us

  • How do I email Aegon?

    If you have a question about a policy or product, or want to get in touch, we're here to help. You can find out more about how to get in touch with us on our Support and contact page.

  • How do I make a complaint?

    We hope you never have cause to complain, but if you do, please contact us by using the details on the How to make a complaint page. 

Aegon ISA

  • Can I open an ISA without a National Insurance number?

    No - you need to provide your National Insurance number during the application process.

  • Why do I have a cash facility within my Aegon ISA?

    The cash facility lets you hold cash in your ISA. This money can be used to invest into funds, to pay charges or can be withdrawn.

    If you don't want to pay your ongoing charges from your ISA, you may be able to re-direct and pay them from your GIA cash facility. We'll automatically set up a GIA for you when you buy an Aegon ISA.

  • How much tax will I pay?

    Returns from an ISA are free from any personal liability to income tax and capital gains tax. You also don’t have to disclose them on a tax return.

    This information is based on our understanding of current, taxation law and HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) practice. The value of any tax benefits will depend on individual circumstances. The favourable tax treatment of ISAs may not be maintained in the future.

  • If I change my mind, can I get a refund?

    Yes. You have 30 days to cancel opening an ISA starting from the day you receive the documents with your contract details. If you cancel within this period, the payment won’t count towards your ISA allowance. However, if you cancel after the 30-day period has expired, the payment will count towards your ISA allowance.

    For full information regarding your cancellation rights, please see the Key Features document.

  • How do I switch to a new fund?

    Sign in to your online account and choose the relevant product. Then, if you have access, select 'Switch funds' and follow the instructions. Switching fund will not affect the investment of any regular contributions you may be paying.

    To change the investment strategy of regular payments, please get in touch with 'Customer service' using the Help and Support drop down menu. If you're unsure you should seek financial advice. 

  • Can I still make payments to my Aegon ISA if I'm no longer resident in the UK?

    No. We can only accept payments from you if you're:

    • resident and ordinarily resident in the UK (for further information see the gov website), or 
    • a Crown employee serving overseas and paid out of public revenue of the UK (for example, a member of the armed forces, or a diplomat), or
    • married to, or in a registered civil partnership with someone performing duties as a Crown employee serving overseas and paid out of public revenue of the UK.
  • How do I close my ISA?

    Please contact us if you want to close your ISA.

    To contact us, sign in and select the 'Help and Support' tab and choose 'Customer services' from the drop down menu.

  • I made a mistake during the application process. What should I do?

    Simply sign in and select the Profile tab and choose Customer services from the drop down menu to get in touch with us so we can help.

  • Why is my transfer in to my account not showing up?

    We need to work with your current provider to make the transfer, this can sometimes take a little longer to process than most other transactions.

    If you have a transfer in progress, please contact us to find out its current position.

  • How can I make payments?

    Your financial adviser can arrange online account access if you don't already have it. If you don’t have a financial adviser and are comfortable managing your own investments, you can sign in to manage your account.

  • Can I make one-off payments by Direct Debit, or do I need to do a bank transfer?

    No, we only accept one-off payments by bank transfer, debit card or cheque. You can only make regular payments by Direct Debit.

  • Do you accept regular payments by bank transfer?

    No, we can only accept regular payments by Direct Debit. You can make one-off payments by bank transfer.

  • I’ve missed a regular ISA payment. How do I bring this up to date?

    To do this, sign in to your account to view your investments. Select View and Manage for the ISA you wish to bring up to date. Select Top up. Follow the instructions to make a one-off payment by debit card, bank transfer and cheque.

  • Can I make payments from a joint bank account?

    If you have a joint bank account, you must be able to give authorisation on your own to make payments.

  • Where can I see the charges that have been taken from my account?

    To do this select the product you want to view the charges on and select the Transactions tab. From here, you'll be able to view the charges taken from your account.

  • Is there a charge for switching funds?

    No - it won't cost you anything to switch funds.

  • What rate of interest is payable on cash in my Aegon ISA cash facility?

    The rate of interest is paid at a gross rate based on the Bank of England base rate. You can find the current rate we pay here. For more information on your cash facility please read our Guide to ISA.

  • What's the maximum amount I can pay in to an ISA?

    The ISA allowance for the current tax year is:

    • £20,000 for a stocks and shares ISA, cash ISA and innovative finance ISA. This £20,000 covers the total amount paid into a stocks and shares ISA, cash ISA, an innovative finance ISA and a lifetime ISA.
    • £4,000 for a lifetime ISA. Please note, this is included in the overall ISA limit of £20,000. A lifetime ISA can’t be used to increase your limit to £24,000.

    You can split your ISA allowance between a stocks and shares, cash, innovative finance and lifetime ISA as best suits your circumstances. The rule is that you mustn’t have more than the annual ISA allowance split between the different types of ISA. It's your responsibility to make sure you don’t exceed the annual ISA allowance.

    As your Aegon ISA is a flexible ISA, you can also replace any eligible ISA withdrawals that you haven't repaid yet.   

    The amount you can still invest includes any unused ISA allowance from this tax year (starting from 6 April) and any eligible ISA withdrawals that you haven't repaid yet. 

    This assumes you haven't made any payments or repayments into any other ISAs in this tax year and doesn't take account of any planned future regular payments or withdrawals (if applicable). 

    We don’t currently offer a lifetime, cash or an innovative finance ISA.

  • What is my annual ISA allowance?

    The maximum annual ISA allowance is £20,000 for the 2024/25 tax year.

  • What counts as an eligible ISA withdrawal and when can I replace withdrawn funds?

    Your Aegon ISA is a flexible ISA. This means that money withdrawn from your ISA and paid to you can be replaced within the same tax year, without the replacement counting towards your annual ISA allowance. This includes money paid to you as consolidated natural income (where you've asked us to pay out income generated by your investments to your nominated bank account on a monthly basis in accordance with the terms and conditions).

    You can't replace any money that's removed from the ISA but not paid to you (for example, to pay fees or charges) or anything that isn't paid out as cash (for example, by re-registration of shares).  You also can't replace money if your product is closed.

    You can withdraw money contributed and income earned in the current tax year and previous tax years.

    • Withdrawals will count against any contributions in the current year first.  
    • Any additional amount is treated as a withdrawal of a contribution from a previous tax year. 
    • If money is replaced (must be in the same tax year as the withdrawal), any withdrawn subscriptions from a previous year are repaid first, followed by withdrawn subscriptions from the current year.

General Investment Account (GIA)

  • What's the maximum amount I can pay in to a GIA?

    There is no restriction on what you can pay into a GIA.

  • How much tax will I pay?

    Unlike an ISA or pension, there are no tax benefits for investing in a GIA. You pay income tax on any income you receive from the GIA, and capital gains tax on any realised gain you make on your GIA.  The tax paid will depend on your personal tax situation, and may be subject to change in the future.

  • How do I switch to a new fund?

    Sign in to your online account and choose the relevant product. Then, if you have access, select 'Switch funds' and follow the instructions. Switching fund will not affect the investment of any regular contributions you may be paying. To change the investment strategy of regular payments, please get in touch with 'Customer service' using the Help and Support drop down menu. If you're unsure you should seek financial advice. 

  • What rate of interest is payable on cash in my GIA cash facility?

    The rate of interest is paid at a gross rate based on the Bank of England base rate. You can find the current rate we pay here. For more information on your cash facility please read ourr Guide to GIA.

Investment fund information

  • What if an investment fund is missing a factsheet?

    If you're looking for information about an investment fund and the factsheet is missing, please get in touch with us so we can help. To do this, select the Help and Support tab and choose Customer Services from the drop down menu.


  • What is my annual ISA allowance?

    The maximum annual ISA allowance is £20,000 for the 2024/25 tax year.

  • What are the GAD limits?

    Under capped drawdown there is a maximum amount you can take during a pension year. This income limit is 150% of the Government Actuary's Department (or GAD) relevant annuity with no guarantee. You can take any level of income you like from your capped drawdown fund up to this maximum limit.

    The GAD sets out tables of the relevant annuity as an amount per £1,000 of capped drawdown fund based on age and gilt-yield rate for 15 year gilts. Gilts, also known as UK government bonds, are the main investments usually used by insurance companies which sell lifetime annuities. For example, if at the date of calculation:

    • Your capped drawdown fund was £100,000
    • You were age 65
    • The 15 year gilt rate was 1.59% (which is rounded down to the nearest quarter, giving a rate of 1.50%)

    The relevant annuity based on age 65 and a gilt yield of 1.50% is £50 per £1,000 of capped drawdown fund. So, the GAD limit would be calculated as £100,000 / £1,000 x £50 x 150% = £7,500.00 meaning the maximum income you could take each year is £7,500.00. Any income not used in a pension year isn’t carried over to the next pension year.

    The maximum amount of income you can take applies for three years, unless certain events occur.  If you are over age 75 your income limit is re-calculated each year.


  • Why has the money not been taken from my account?

    One-off debit card payments and reoccurring Direct Debits are the only processes where we’ll collect the money on your behalf.  If you did not choose to pay by debit card you will need to send us the money electronically or by cheque.

  • Why have you asked me to provide a bank statement?

    For new payments or requests where bank details have changed, we may ask you to provide bank verification in the form of an original or certified copy of a bank statement so we can make sure that we’re making payment to the correct account. 

  • My bank account isn't 8 digits - what do I do?

    You need to set up a bank account to open one of our products. This is usually an eight-digit account number and six-digit sort code. However, some banks and building societies have account numbers of different lengths – please use the following details to convert them into a different format, where necessary.

    Bank Instructions Change from Change to
    National Westminster Bank plc Use the last eight digits only. If there’s a hyphen in the account number between the second and third numbers this should be ignored 0123456789 or 01-23456789 23456789
    Co-operative Bank plc Use the first eight digits only 1234567890 12345678
    Alliance & Leicester
    Commercial Bank plc
    National Savings Bank
    National & Provincial Building Society
    Replace the last digit of the sorting code with the first digit of the account number, then use the last eight digits of the account number only nn-nn-nn 123456789 nn-nn-n1 23456789
    Nationwide Building Society Where a nine digit account number starts with a six, use the last eight digits of the account number only 612345678 12345678
    Other banks as appropriate Where a seven digit account number is used prefix the account number with a zero (0) 1234567 01234567
    Other banks as appropriate Where a six digit account number is used prefix the account number with two zeros (00) 123456 00123456
  • What is Aegon's Order Execution Policy?

    Our Order Execution Policy is available to be viewed and/or downloaded.

  • Why is there a small balance left on my account and how do I close my account?

    A small balance remaining after a full withdrawal or transfer may be due to income distributions that were due on the wrapper. You can close your account by calling us and providing bank details.

  • What extra verification checks may there be when paying by debit card?

    For customers only

    When you enter your debit card details to pay for a single or top-up contribution, WorldPay will automatically check to see if your card is enrolled in the 3D Secure scheme.

    If your bank participates in this scheme, you’ll be prompted to enter further verification information.

    This could be:

    • to enter your 3D Secure password in part or full;
    • to enter a one-time passcode, that could be sent to your mobile or email address, or
    • a redirect to your mobile phone or tablet where you can authorise the debit card payment from within your banking app.

    It may be that no further verification is required. 

    Once verification is complete, you'll see a message on screen (you’ll also receive an email) confirming if the payment was successful or not. 

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Customer services

About us

Our story started over 190 years ago, when we were founded as Scottish Equitable here in the UK. Today we're part of Aegon group – an international provider of life insurance, pensions and asset management.

Our UK team are focused on providing retirement, investment, workplace savings and protection solutions to over 3.8 million customers.1 To do that we work with financial advisers and employers, to help improve peoples' financial wellbeing.

1Information as at 31/12/2021

What can we do for you?

  • Advisers – we’re focused on championing the value of financial advice, helping advisers navigate industry changes and provide support to help advisers get their clients closer to their financial goals.
  • Employers – we’re committed to providing a solution that can meet employers’ requirements – regardless of the size, complexity or future plans of their business.
  • Customers – whether you’re an individual or have an Aegon workplace pension through your employer, we’re passionate about supporting you with your retirement plans and to make managing your savings easier.

Visit our about us page to find out more about our team and what we’re doing for our community and the environment. 

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